When someone's name becomes a verb, that's a sign that they've made it -- and Emir Bahadir has quite verily "made it". At only 27, he is already a major force in the world of luxury real estate and has his own brand, Bahadiring. The "professional jetsetter" took the social media world by storm too, via Instagram. Now, he's doing it again with an innovative new app that could very well change the way we communicate.

Emir is a true pioneer of the digital age in every sense of the word, changing culture as we know it. Think Coco Chanel and her little black dress, or Ralph Lauren and his Polo shirt. Their ideas seamlessly became part of everyday life and so too did Emir's ideas. His biggest idea came in 2012 when he started posting sumptuous, high-quality photos of himself and his famous friends living their luxury lives, often while vacationing. Shared around the world through his Instagram page, @emirbahadir, gaining over a million followers. Nowadays, he has plenty of copycats as everyone from celebrities to regular Joes and Janes try to emulate this aesthetic nowadays.

Emir's latest project could once again change how people use social media and communicate. How so? Through an innovative app called Bmoji. The concept started off over two years ago with a set of emojis designed to look just like Emir recreating emoji expressions. But, then, an idea came to his head: what if everyone could "be" their own emojis too? The Bmoji concept was born, allowing anyone to have their own custom emoji set. Users simply upload three photos and the Bmoji team designs and codes the rest. It seems people might have to say goodbye to those generic yellow smileys after all.
With so much successful insight into what makes the online world tick, Emir is obviously well attuned to anything on the cutting edge. For a frequent traveler like himself, it only makes sense that he travel the same way too. Emir's secret is using Executive Flights, a boutique travel company specializing in First Class and Business Class bookings. Using a number of innovative methods, Executive Flights finds its clients the lowest prices on the market. "Executive Flights is in a whole different league," Emir said. "They've saved me thousands of dollars and tons of headaches too. I tell Executive Flights where I want to go and they take care the rest. What more could I ask for?" Their excellent service has earned Executive Flights the Bahadir seal of approval.
Download your Bmoji here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bmoji/id1428776532?mt=8